Organic See-Through Concentrators that could double solar cell efficiency!

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It will come as absolutely no new news to you when I tell you that one of the major hurdles solar energy faces in being a major player in the energy resource field is simply the cost associated with it. Solar cells are often viewed as modern gadgets that are confines to the rich and developed nations since they will not really get through to everyone in the developing world. But MIT has always been about changing convention and they are at it once again. If the men at MIT had their way Solar Energy would soon be as cheap as the cheapest source available in the market today!

MIT researchers think they may have found a way to double the performance of solar arrays with cheap dyed glass and some tricks borrowed from fiber optics. Their so-called solar concentrator could be placed on top of existing solar arrays. It could capture some wavelengths of visible light and guide them to high-voltage solar cells on the edges of the array, while still allowing the infrared light that largely powers current solar systems to pass through. This technology needs no great modifications either, as you could stick this on your existing solar panels and that would double their efficiency almost instantly.

The new MIT technology marries the science behind two of the most promising ways of harnessing solar energy: light concentrators and thin-film solar cells. Marc Baldo is the man behind the new revolution and if his technology scales up and can get past the inevitable engineering hurdles, it could help drive that kilowatt hour price closer to the market price for electricity. It can even be used in plastic and designers can make stuff of colors and shades that they choose which keep producing electricity. Solar fashion and solar architecture would be given a whole new meaning and range. This is truly one awesome invention!


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