Niva goes green on the outside; at least!

007 niva hOL6V 3858

Green is the buzzword, ain’t it! But the interpretation seems to be questionable in some cases. If you are with the zeitgeist then green essentially means eco friendliness; a fact that is often lost in translation. So what makes a vehicle green, the inside or the outside? As the pictures accompanying this one will show, some people are way over zealous in going green. The owner of this Niva has gone to great lengths to make his vehicle green on the outside. Wonder if he has gone to similar lengths in incorporating the required changes inside. Deceptive appearance or a thorough job, difficult to say. Make your own deductions. Jump for more pics.

002 niva 2WXZw 3858

003 niva G2mxm 3858

004 niva K6CBH 3858

006 niva 19eVD 3858


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