New German community goes ‘green’ with car-free urban living!

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With a successful experiment in ‘green urban living’ Vauban has become Germany’s best-known environmentally friendly neighborhood. The Vauban development consists of 2,000 new homes on a former military base, located 10 minutes bike-ride away from the heart of Freiburg.

The development has gone innovative by practicing several environment-friendly ideas, which were once dismissed as eco-fantasy. Vauban communities are encouraged to be less car-dependent. But, what about an alternative for the 4,700 people residing there?

Perhaps, as an alternative solution, it was just this week; a new electric tram has been unveiled in Paris, with an aim at reducing urban pollution and traffic congestion. Besides, there are numerous incentives for the region’s residents to live car-free:

The carpoolers get free yearly tramway passes in contrast to parking spots that go for 17,500 (US$23,000).
40 percent of the residents have bought spaces, many just for the benefit of their visiting guests.

And the result –

Vauban’s car-ownership rate is only 150 per 1,000 inhabitants in comparison to that of Freiburg proper with 430 per 1,000 inhabitants.

Studying the Vauban model extensively, an Australian researcher Jan Scheurer said,

Vauban is clearly an offer for families with kids to live without cars. It was meant to counter urban sprawl – an offer for families not to move out to the suburbs and give them the same, if better quality of life. And it is very successful.

Photo Courtesy: Christian Science Monitor

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