Nature Mill – Harvest an endless supply of organic compost

naturemill composter

Though this composter needs to be plugged into a socket to keep it going, but what impresses me most about the product is its ability to convert food scraps into rich mixtures of concentrated compost fertilizer for your planter or garden bed. It’s called the Nature Mill, invented by Russ Cohn. Freshly disposed food scraps rest in the upper chamber under a high temp composting condition. The process involves mixing air flow, moisture and heat to break down the food efficiently. The high temp conditions destroy odors, seed germination and pathogens. The compost is sifted into a lower chamber via a trap door where the waste continues to compost and roughly every two weeks, or when the indicator light bears its signal the cure process is completed and the removable curing tray in the sub compartment is ready to be disposed off.

Via: Enn

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