Moto Tessuto electric scooter dressed in cute fabric skin

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Eco Factor: Electric scooter with batteries inserted into the fabric skin.

Brainchild of industrial designer Marco Ferreri, the “Moto Tessuto” is a scooter that promises great style and comfort, along with green ride. The electric scooter concept lets the rider carry a lot of stuff, making it ideal for shopping or small outings. The fabric bodywork not only features a number of pockets and storage spaces, but also offers a unique look.

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The batteries of the Moto Tessuto are popped into the fabric skin, which concept provides generous compartmentalizing options at the front and the back, with smaller pockets behind the handlebars and the sides of the seat. The fabric skin act like a beautiful dress for your scooter and can be changed to fit the different requirements of the user. This cute looking scooter is presently on display at the Milan Triennale in Ferreri’s Mixed Media Exhibition.

Via: Designboom

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