MobileLED: Energy-efficient Scrolling LED for Your Car


MobileLED ventured into making an old concept easier. LED displays are no more new, neither is the ability to stick them in your car if you wanted to. But, MobileLED could achieve a place in the headlines for its innovation.

Spotted at, the new LED screens of MobileLED rest in the rear window of your car. And it can ensure that everyone around you will find it even harder to avoid advertising wherever they look! Using less of electricity and battery, you can effectively contribute towards the environment with MobileLED.

It can put to effective advertising. The company targets advertising as the main use. To let people know who you are, what you do and how to contact you, it can suggest that you could program up to 60 custom advertisements. You will be able to generate leads as you drive! It’s cool!

Via: Mobile Mag

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