Mobile Art Park floats on a cluster of barges

mobile art park JA5Qr 5784
Based on a network of floating barges is the Roosevelt Island Universal Arts Center. These barges gather together to form a Mobile Art Park, a site with a vibrant community of artists and art enthusiasts. This cultural and sports complex accommodates different events at the scale of the entire Southpoint site. Dispersed throughout the city, the barges bridge culturally disparate enclaves with the vibrant communities of artists already thriving in the city. This concept of Mobile Art Park addresses the issue of accessibility as cultural inclusion. It intends to bring the world of art closer into everyday life. Roll over for more self explanatory images….

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Each barge, then, could hold a tennis court, a skatepark, a farm and a farmer’s market, a forest or a combination thereof. There are wind turbines as well.
mobile art park2 AYYya 5784
mobile city 2 ilJPe 5784

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