Microbes can solve world’s ‘Drinking water contamination’ crisis!

water contamination

Drinking and healthy crisis is lurking across the globe, created by contaminated industrial sites and poisoned waterways. But, what can be the solution to this? It is surely to be cumbersome for economy, labor or technology.

Australian scientists have discovered a comparatively cheaper and environment-friendly solution – microbes! Yes, microbes found in old waste sites in Australia. They can not only tolerate lethal soil and water cocktails created by waste petroleum and chlorine, but can also break them down to a non-toxic matter for humans, the scientist informed.

Megha Mallavarapu, from a government-backed environmental research centre based in South Australia state, told Reuters,

We have isolated bacteria which can live on those waste compounds… Anywhere there has been a fuel dump, a munitions store, an old chemical factory or heavy manufacturing plant, there is potential for toxic substances to leak into groundwater underneath.

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