Miami goes solar with their outdoor advertising

solar bus station 7cpmt 69

Have you ever cared to wonder about the tremendous amount of electricity that’s being used by bus shelters/bus stops, or the huge ad displays with fancy lights that are placed right under them to grab your attention? Not only do these things waste a lot of power, but the exuberant poster that you’re looking at while waiting for the bus, apart from being an eye-catcher, is also giving away lots of CO2!

Hence the move made by the media company Fuel Miami, LLC, to exploit solar power in a way that it would benefit the company, its advertisers and the whole of Miami, is very refreshing and one that all of us have been waiting for. The installation of 600 solar-powered bus shelters in Miami will not only enlighten the ads on bus shelters without plugging them into the grid, but also save a tremendous amount of CO2 emissions. I say we all should vouch for more and more ideas like this, and maybe this form of environmental-friendly outdoor advertising will become a benchmark for others!

Via: EcoGeek

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