Mi5 Architects propose ‘Solar Orchard’ tourist resort for Slovenia

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Eco Factor: Sustainable tourist resort harvests solar energy.

With the need for sustainable developments on the rise, architects are envisioning developments that are as great for the environment as they are for people. Mi5 Architects have unveiled a unique project for Izola, the sunniest place in Slovenia, which will merge a tourist resort with a “solar orchard.”

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The plan is to combine a typical Mediterranean landscape with a solar garden where all excess energy will be used for leisure activities which can benefit from it. The arrangement according to the designers could be called “Solar Hedonism,” a state where the individuals can enjoy various systems using the clean energy of the sun.

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The new silhouette of this landscape depicts the characteristics of a PV plant and also responds to the necessity of habitable units, with modified interiors to ensure that the surface that receives the sun is double to that of a standard apartment to maximize energy generation.

Via: Architechnophilia

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