Medlock Ames Winery goes green

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Industries all over the world are making efforts to reduce their carbon footprint by incorporating green technologies. Earlier we saw Toshiba and Fujitsu incorporating techniques to make them green and not it’s the turn of smaller companies to follow suit.

In a valley of Sonoma County two winemakers have forged green building, renewable energy and biodynamic agriculture into a bountiful endeavor. Their enterprise the Medlock Ames Winery has come up with techniques to make it 100% solar powered.

The owners have made use of light colored roof to reduce the building’s cooling energy load. To prevent any temperature swings the building has a concrete floor. The winemaking process is housed within, it uses gravity flow that reduces the energy need and is also good for the wine. To raise fruits the owners have made use of solar powered forklifts from where it follows a natural path to an underground cellar where the cooling system takes over. The cooling system is kept away from direct sunlight so that it does not require much to cool.

Not only does the winery incorporate indoor techniques for a green environment, but around the vineyard sustainability grows everywhere. The owners have made use of six solar photovoltaic arrays that produce an average of 140,000 KWh annually powering 100% of the enterprise even including their vehicles. Out of the 335 acres that is owned by Medlock, only 56 acres is used for profit crops like grapes, while the rest is left on its natural state.

Instead of using harmful pesticides or fertilizers, Medlock uses natural materials to fight pests and encourage healthy plants and soil. The effort by the owners is worth appreciation and more and more companies, whether small or big, should try and learn something from the Medlock Ames Winery.

Via: Inhabitat

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