McDonalds steps in to save our planet!

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You would have never expected a junk food centre to be so environment sensitive, but McDonalds (Sweden) proves us all wrong with their impressive moves to keep our planet clean and safe. At this particular joint they break down the junk into, cans and bottles, drink and ice, straws and plastic lids, cups, cardboard burger boxes, trays etc, unlike other places where the left over is merely thrown away. Changing plastic ice cream cups to paper, polystyrene coffee cups to paper etc are some of the simple things being carried out by them which is a step in changing the condition of our world.

Through all this they have eliminated millions of pounds of packaging waste by having food and beverage products delivered in reusable containers. In Sweden alone, this innovation saved about 140 tons of corrugated cardboard in just one year as only organic methods are encouraged. Apart from all these things they also warm baby food, and serve fruits with all the kid’s meals. These steps are certainly making the company’s long term goal of living in harmony with nature and playing an active part in an ecologically persistent society come true, but let’s hope this also becomes a world wide trend.

Via: Psfk

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