MBOLIC Modular Vehicle morphs itself diligently for the modern city commute

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Designer Colin Pan seems to know exactly what it takes to get around quickly during both the early morning and late evening rush hours. Sometimes we tend to get the feeling that we spend as much time in the traffic as we do in our offices. But MBOLIC not only solves the problem of squeezing though the traffic, but also cuts down on the excessive wastage of fuel, space and time that happens with most of us on a daily basis.

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MBOLIC is a multi-purpose commuting vehicle that can cater to the needs of both bachelors and married folk alike. Aimed especially for life in modern China (where couple are content with a single child), MBOLIC can provide transportation for a family of three or can split into two singular units that can carry a person each.

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Simply put, you can either split it up into two pedaling units powered with gyroscope for balance, or can put them together for a commute in the car. No longer will you need to rely on fossil fuel guzzling behemoths for daily commute and with it comes the huge reduction in carbon emissions.

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Whit the single units requiring human-power for short journeys and the car being powered by a fuel cell for the mid-range commutes; you can confidently say that MBOLIC is completely emission-free. Sleek in its design, smart in usage and incredible deft in handling space and transformation aspects, MBOLIC is perfect for the roads of tomorrow paved in clean and green principles.

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Via: Tuvie

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