Maryland’s students set world record to pilot human powered helicopter

Human powered helicopter

Even though the goal to win the Sikorsky Prize by the American Helicopter Society worth $250,000 was not achieved, the students at the University of Maryland succeeded in setting a new milestone. Gamera, named after a giant flying turtle is a human powered helicopter designed by the engineering students, which hovered for more than 12 seconds inside the university’s campus.

A new world record is believed to have been set by a biology student Judy Wexler for a longest human powered helicopter flight by a woman. Moreover, she also past flew the national record for the longest human powered flight, which previously was for only four seconds. To get this hovering action going and to setup this new record, Maryland faculty members and students have been working on the design for more than two years.

At present, the helicopter weighs only 140lbs excluding the pilot as it was designed using lightweight materials such as balsa wood, foam and carbon fiber. Gamera is currently being modified and prepared for another take off expected in the next six months. Next take off will aim to fly at-least for 30 seconds, minimum three meters above the ground to enable the engineering students to win the Sikorsky Award.

Via: Physorg

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