Magnetically cooled refrigerator promises power savings

magnetically cooled refrigerator

Scientists have discovered a new cooling technology that uses less of electricity and more of magnetism. The technology is to be used in refrigerators that are one of the major electricity sucking appliances in your home.

The technology is based on the use of a magnetic heat pump rather than an electric one, this enables the system to consume about 60% less energy. Well, this is where the good news ends – The system is in its development stage and is much more expensive than other traditional cooling systems. Moreover, it can currently only cool a system about 10 degrees cooler than its surroundings.

Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark are working on ways to solve this problem and are confident that they will have the first prototype ready by the end of this decade. The price of such a refrigerator will still be much high than other conventional refrigerators, but I guess mass production of these refrigerators might solve the problem.

Via: Eco Geek

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