Lip Balms to help fight global warming

kiss my face

After electronics and cellphone giants, beauty product manufacturers are also trying out ways to generate money to fight global warming. Kiss My Face, a natural products maker based on an organic farm in Gardiner, N.Y., is partnering with Whole Foods and the Alliance for Climate Control to generate funds to fight global climatic change.

The company will be sharing profit that it makes by selling a new Natural Lip Balm. The obvious question that must be lurking in your mind is something we have to think about – Can a Lip Balm generate millions of dollars to save the planet…? And the answer is an obvious one that is: No, it can’t.

However, we have to appreciate the move made by the company because at least they are trying out some ways. May be a single Lip Balm lineup cannot generate enough funds, but if more and more companies start to thing the Kiss My Face way, then its sure that we can have enough to save our planet.

The ‘Lip Action’ lineup is available in catchy flavors like ‘Berry Warm’ and ‘Mango Melt’ and will be retailing for $3.49. The company will be donating one dollar from the sale of each balm to the Alliance for Climate Protection. Lip Balms can also serve as daily reminders to people that little choices can make big differences, when it comes to climate and out impact on future generations.

Via: The Daily Green

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