Legion House to become the first carbon neutral office building in Sydney

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The 109 year old Legion House in Sydney is all set to get a green overhaul as a part of the greater 161 Castlereagh Street office tower project. The ambitious plan is put forth by the Grocon construction company, who are actually overseeing the overall grand proposal regarding the office design. To be completely cut off from the main electricity grid, this venerable building is already touted to become one of the most sustainable buildings in the whole world.

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By 2013, the Legion House is envisaged to be completely revamped into the corporate head office for the designers themselves, i.e. Grocon. Hence, the company has taken some extra measures relating to its sustainable attributes. There will be a myriad of energy efficient features incorporated with this structure, including water saving mechanisms like air cooled chillers and vacuum toilets and on-site renewable power generation through bio-mass gasification technology. Even the the surplus power will be supplied to the adjoining 161 office towers.

According to investment partner GPT’s CEO and Managing Director Michael Cameron, this 6 Star Green Star workplace will additionally feature efficient attributes, such as tri-generation and a black water treatment plant. And, coming to the design element, the internal lift and stair will be relocated to the exterior of the building, thus creating a visually appealing, yet unique laneway entry.

Source: ArchitectureandDesign

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