Large Hadron Collider – A suicidal invention


Every little attempt to save the earth can be put to rest by a single over-the-top scientific mistake. Apparently, we should not even bother to go green and go gung-ho about save the earth campaign because people sitting in their laboratories are working on how to ruin the earth even faster than before! Pretty much on the subject are a group scientists who are afraid that firing up the new $8 billion Large Hadron Collider at CERN might create a tiny black hole that can eat up the earth. Wow, it is like getting paid to be killed, is there a new concept of contract ‘environment’ killers that I missed? The New York Times writes that it could spit out something called a ‘strangelet’ converting this planet to a shrunken dense dead lump of something called ‘strange matter’. Don’t know about that, but this for sure is a gravely strange matter.

Via: Treehugger

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