Lamps from Recycled Chopstick

lamps from recycled chopsticks

There are many who are concerned about their environment and surroundings. But, don’t contribute to it – not because they are apparent with their expression but of their not knowing where to start from. Recycling and purchasing recycled products is surely a good start. On these lines, it can be accounted that billions of single use chopsticks are discarded every year. Why not put them to better use! That is what the Kwytza Kraft has done.

Bryan Parks, an American who lived in China for several years has gone innovative with the slick sticks, which takes an estimated 25 million trees and bamboo plants to support this resource waste. Kwytza Kraft makes a variety of different home accessories all made from recycled sanitized chopstick, such as these recycled table lamps and placemats. These hanging and standing lamps are just favoulous. You can purchase these recycled chopstick products directly from Kwytza Kraft or from

Via: Kwytza Kraft

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