Lake House: A new concept in sustainable housing

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Zero-energy dwelling has always been a dream for the eco-conscious lot. Universities, researchers and individuals (students) have been making their efforts to realize this dream for long. Lake House is one such zero-energy, sustainable concept house conceived by Emre Şenoğlu. The housing idea aims at utilizing renewable resources to keep things trouble-free while using the least possible input and accommodate a small area so as to cut down the monetary and atmospheric outlays.

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The effort is to return the Mother Nature all that it has been providing us in all the past ages. The design is built on the fact that using renewable resources is the only way by which we can do the needful for the betterment of the environment and mankind. Also, using the recyclable stuff proves to be a boon for the atmosphere.

The Lake House is conceived and designed keeping in mind the recycling of resources that the nature has given us. The water circulation is an important aspect of the design. The structure is such that the rain water flows from the slanting roof and is then collected in a tank to be used as clean water. The leftover or dirty water is then used to water plants. Following similar theory, other natural resources are also recycled. With the introduction of such concept, the emissions and energy consumption will be less than energy conserved or used.

Via: Behance

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