Kyocera and Avanzalia building the world’s largest solar power plant in Spain

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Spain is the home of bullfighting, and after Euro 2008 one would say that it is pretty much the hot hub of soccer in Europe. But the “heat” in Spain is only going to increase further and be put to further good use with the World’s Largest Solar Power Plant taking shape in the Spanish region of Castile-La Mancha. When it is completed the plant will be spread well over 100 hectares! This giant project has been undertaken by Spanish energy firm Avanzalia with the help of Kyocera.

Kyocera has been pretty popular for building solar power plants, and if one were to assume then we would be tempted to think that it should be Germany that must be having a plant of this magnitude. Germany has been the leading investor and producer of solar power for sometime now, but Spain beats it in the race to the largest solar power plant. The plant has a capability of 18 MW, which is roughly enough electricity to supply 9,200 households.

Situated in the province of Cuenca, the solar project has been strategically placed to get the best possible results. The province is 800 meters above sea level and receives the right sunlight with moderate weather conditions, making it a commercially viable option. The giant structure will be pretty demanding to build as it takes shape with plenty of raw materials, time and money invested in it. Hopefully this will encourage more countries to take up clean energy. The final aerial shot of the plant, though, will look spectacular when is all set and done.

Via: Fareastgizmos

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