Keeping farm cleaner with silage leachate management system

At Tim Fessenden\'s King Ferry dairy, cow manure is separated into its solid form, it is left over 15 days to compose using aerobic bacteria. The manure is then bagged and sold as fertilizer and organic material, helping defray some of the costs

To help install a silage leachate management system, this year, Tim Fessenden is awarded a $24,000 state grant! And he is working hard to make his farm cleaner. The system filters nutrient-rich liquid onto a filter bed. It also filters the liquid away from area water sources.

Fessenden said,

We have frequent conversations about (environmental) concerns I see here… I just feel it’s one of the integral aspects of the operation that it’s necessary to maintain the environmental stewardship that we’ve been achieving.

On addressing environmental concerns on his King Ferry dairy farm, Fessenden closely interacts with the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Via: auburnpub

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