Kansas to get a wind powered Google data center

google goes for wind energy

The world is surely realizing at a very rapid pace that it is better to explore in the direction of alternate sources of energy not just for the greater good of the planet, but also for the simple and important purpose of saving bills. The problem with incorporating and spreading the use of both solar and wind energy was earlier deemed as their very high installation costs. But it seems that the major companies across the planet have woken up to the fact that the initial investing will give long term profits and also help keep the company in good light as it would be reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

Several months back, we have seen Yahoo already open up solar powered data centers both in India and Brazil to make sure it cut out on tons of greenhouse gases. Now Google, which has always been at the forefront of innovation and development, is planning to build a 20-megawatt wind-powered data center in Greensburg, Kansas. BNIM is an architect firm based in Kansa city and its partner Bob Berkebile told Greensburg residents and officials about BNIM’s plan for helping to rebuild the city, which was destroyed by a tornado in May and also stated that Google was planning to build a new wind powered data center there. He told that it was still early in the process, but Google is “currently doing feasibility studies on the possibility” of building the data center.

Google has always been bold with both its intent and actions, whether it is in launching new technology or taking its data centers to the more rural locations of the world. Google is trying to make sure it goes green by helping the planet. I have always been a big supporter of the firm myself as it always seems to put consumer needs right at the forefront. Now couple that with environmental priorities and it indeed becomes only better with each passing day. The search engine giant announced this summer that it wants to go carbon neutral by 2008 and has already gone solar in California. There is little doubt that at this rate they will achieve their target.


Via: Server Specs

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