KAIST debuts OLEV train for public transportation in Gwacheon City

olev train

Eco Factor: Zero-emission transport system based on OLEV technology.

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have unveiled a proof-of-concept OLEV train for public transportation in Seoul’s Grand Park in Gwacheon City. The vehicle is powered by a non-contact magnetic charging method that sources electricity from power cables buried underground.

The Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV) constantly receives electric power from the cables even if it’s not running, which eliminates the need for specialized charging stations. Moreover, it also helps the researchers do away with heavier batteries. The road, which is embedded with underground cables, is divided into several segments which can also benefit electric cars that can also be powered by the same system.

Removing direct contact with charging sources prevents electrical hazards and is completely safe for pedestrians and other conventional vehicles. The proof-of-concept train consists of one engine and three passenger cars and travels a total length of 2.2km.

Via: Gizmag

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