Just 0.11 acre of land required to feed a family of four for a year

kitchen garden

Going green does not require as much hard work and money as we think it does. If you are talking about growing your own vegetables, then all that you will need to feed your family for a year is a mere 0.11 acre of land, some money to buy seeds and a few hours of work in a week.

Greenspree, has posted a very interesting article that wants you become self sufficient and grow your own vegetables. This not only keeps you away from the harmful pesticides, but also saves some money at the end of the year. Greenspree has used a number of assumptions and have reached to this conclusion assuming that the family lives in Canada.

The whole idea proves that you can live off a rather small piece of land, even if you are not having time to fulfill all your food requirements then also a substantial part of your diet can easily be produced in your own kitchen garden. Moreover, it is always good to have vegetables straight from the vine and freshly chopped vegetables for green salad.

Click here to check out the detailed article.


Via: Thesietch

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