Jimi Wallet: Made From Recycled, Semi-transparent Plastic

jimi walletHere comes a wallet to add to the eco-friendly products’ list. It’s not only high tech but, environmentally friendly too. It’s named Jimi. The wallet is claimed to be made of 100% recycled, semi-transparent plastic. Beside business, the manufacturer seems to have given a part of his heart to the environment as well. Somehow, he promises to put 1% of its profits back into the environment.

True, you can get responsible towards the environment by possessing a hemp-made wallet. But, to make the Jimi wallet a bit more interesting, you can remove the included money clip and replace it with a specially-designed insert that will hold 2 SD cards and 2 SIM cards. The looks are interesting too. They come in aqua color as well as magenta, orange, smoke and clear finishes. Grab one for $35 $14.95.

Via: Gizmodo

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