Japan to make rooftop solar panels mandatory for all new buildings

solar panels japan

New buildings in Japan should compulsorily install solar panels for the maximum utilization of this renewable resource of energy. As the country is still battling with the aftershocks of tsunami and the worst ever nuclear disaster of Fukushima and Daiichi nuclear plants, the Japanese government has widened its focus in maximizing the utilization of solar energy to cope up with the huge energy demand of the country. So, if you are planning to build a house in Japan, you should include the installation cost of the solar panels in your housing budget.

Japan is preparing to announce a plan for mandatory installation of solar panels in the buildings to encourage the maximum utilization of renewable resource of energy. This will offload the huge power demand of the country to a great extent with lesser dependence on nuclear power. The devastating tsunami and the nuclear catastrophe have forced the Japanese government to envisage an alternate way of energy production. The shut down of the nuclear power plants following the tsunami on May 11 led the whole country in a total blackout, completely throwing the normal life out of gear. Modernized solar panels may prevent the total power shutdown in case of any natural disaster in the future.

Japan will unveil this plan in the forthcoming G8 Summit in Deauville, France, with an aim to showcase the country’s active participation in the utilization of alternate energy resources. Upon implementation of the plan, every new building in the country will be equipped with the advanced solar panels by 2030. Installation cost may cause some hindrance, but the Jap government is highly optimistic of the reduced cost of the solar panels through groundbreaking technological innovations. This plan, upon successful implementation, will go a long way in meeting the challenges of the power crisis in the country and also set an example in harnessing the renewable energy resource for others to follow.

The government is highly depending upon the advanced designing of the solar panels to be commercially viable for all. Moreover, the demand for domestic power consumption will be reduced drastically with the installation of solar panels. With this announcement, Japan is not going to step down from its nuclear commitments, but is ready to exhibit its diligence in producing energy through environmental friendly processes.

Via: Physorg

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