Tree wounds are quite common that occur due to various reasons, such as insect attack, animal damage, broken branches or abrasions. These wounds tend to break the bark and result in damage to tissues that produce water and food. Such wounds also result in exposure of internal parts of the tree to bacterial infection and eventually start decaying. Even though we cannot stop decay completely, but timely measures taken to heal the wound can help the tree remain healthy.
How to Treat Tree Wound?
When a tree is injured, normally the damaged tissues do not repair easily, since injuries in trees do not recuperate but rather close out. Over a period, a bark of a callus type forms over the damaged area to blanket the opening.
In case, the bark torn due to any type of damage like limb breakage, then you must chop all the battered bark edges. Next thing to do will be to get rid of left out bark cautiously, so that additional internal tissue gets uncovered.
Pruning – Best Option to Treat Tree Wounds
The best option to treat a tree wound is to hire an experienced professional to prune the tree. Pruning is used for removing broken or crossing branches and other problems. However, make sure not to harm the form of the crown and do it in a way that it helps the tree to close the wound on its own.
At the time of pruning, it is important to make smooth and clean cuts as well as avoid leaving out branch stubs. Additionally, try to leave small collar of wood close to branch’s base, so that only a small area is left open for formation of callus bark and there are less chances of decay from organisms affecting the wound.
Things to Avoid
One thing you will have to avoid is putting wound dressings, such as paint or tar, as they can interfere with the healing process. Such dressing may hinder drying and become breeding ground for different types of pathogens. Another thing worth mentioning here is that cavity fillers are also of no use and they serve only cosmetic purpose.
The ideal time for pruning is winter, since during that time the temperatures are low and chances of infection are also very less. There is no active growth in trees during this time, which makes it the right time to undertake pruning task.