Hospitality Industry can save energy with Onity

Intellity is the new venture of Onity to manage energy in the hospitality industry. Intellity is an energy saving device that can effectively read magnetic stripe and easily distinct between guests and staff. When the guests are not in the room, it disconnects electrical appliances. Thus, it does not allow any staff member to misuse the appliance.

Onity is one of the premium providers of electronic locking solutions and is also active member of UTC Fire & Security. It takes care of the comfort of hotel’s guests by saving energy and minimizing costs. Intellity can effectively minimize approximately 65 percent of power consumption.

Onity Hospitality Business Director, Patxi Elduayen stated,

More and more hotels are looking to reduce costs. Properties without an energy saver in their guestrooms are missing an easy opportunity for significant savings. Onity is one of the best companies to partner with because we provide real solutions and reliable support.

Onity is one of the major electronic solution-provider across the world. It has approximately 3.7 million locks already installed. It is available in several finishes along with sleek housing architecture. To locate in the dark, it also has blue courtesy light.

Intellity is also user friendly and easy to install.
Image : hotelmanagement

Via : enn

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