Hidden Valley Cabins – 100 % solar powered and carbon neutral

Hidden valley cabins
Hidden Valley Cabins is an award winning eco friendly resort and Australia’s 1st carbon neutral accommodation and tour company that operates on renewable energy (100 percent solar powered and carbon neutral). It is the first stand alone resort that operates with no support from the power grid, has introduced a range of carbon-friendly initiatives including replacing conventional light bulbs with energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs and minimizing waste by compacting food and paper products for use in the garden.

Other green initiatives include educating guests and the public on the importance of protecting wildlife; building low impact walking tracks; recycling all aluminium cans, papers and cardboards; planting native trees and vegetation; and building with local timber. This project reminds me of an often said proverb – ‘Hittting two birds with one stone’.The initiative is gaining a good deal of promotion ($$$) and above all making the Earth a better place to live. So folks the silent battle has already begun and the opponent (global warming) is really global, one project in one corner of the world won’t make much of a difference.Let’s unite and knock it over before it knocks ‘us’ out.

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