Here parents, get your champs lunch brimming in green!

green lunch
The world is running steadily for the easier way out in life, and is just there, with simplest of things at their doorsteps. Convenience is what we seek, but the repercussions of the same are always unseen, and lunchroom in every school is one sure representative to be seen.

The morning rush, compromise on sleep and child’s food – three things that instigates the parent in you, to pick the easiest and the most convenient stuff to fit your tot’s baggie. You pick single-use food items that come in their own packing, or pack stuff in one-use plastic bags, wax papers, aluminum foils etc. but what is the environmental cost of all that, waste?

Overflowing landfills outside should give you the slightest guess. Wait on; we now know how much waste a typical lunch box contains. If we have a problem at hand then we also need solution to it as well. Here is a call for all concerning parents, to make their little champs lunch green.

Easy solution for the grave problem:

The condition is the same worldwide, but we have information available on the Environmental Protection Agency Web site, which reads, in 2005, U.S. residents, business and institutions produced more than 245 million tons of trash. If we look-in for the solutions to cut on the waste that’s produced daily, there’ll be loads – but then the same lethargic attitude will overwhelm us, there one easy way to start the fight is packing a green lunch for your kid. An easy homely solution, isn’t it?

How to go about, a few alternatives gathered:

Until now, you had been using items that have a single use, post that they only find trashcans. Therefore, one well thought solution would be to use reusable containers and packing items.
Packing the eateries in plastic bags and aluminum foils should be avoided, instead, use reusable containers and paper bags.
If at all, plastic bags are to be used, try to look for the ones that are reusable or recyclable.
Get down to the nearest store, and pick home the conventionally used lunch boxes that are open at the top. This will restrict the use of plastic and other waste items, leaving your child with healthy and green foodstuff.
Ah! Health, that is again a priority, which parents overlook in route to packing the kid’s lunch. Thus, add oranges, apples, bananas, cherries and other available fruits to the lunch. Consuming whole fruits will not only provide a nutritious lunch, but will also eliminate the packaging effort, coz it’s a waste free snackable guys.

Hope all you able parents try out these little tips, I assure your little one will surely fathom the green lifestyle. Yes, most of this is just a gist of how to go about achieving a greener lunch, and you will have ample other ways too, if you really do you could leave them down here… until enjoy the green feeding.


[Source: GayLordHeraldTimes]

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