Green Phone Concept given a grand new shape by Nokia

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Mobile phones have changed our lives immensely and sometimes one wonders what things would have been like had the revolution not come this soon. I can almost bet that I would not have half the friends that I had today had it not been for mobile technology. Yet, it is also scary when you look at some of the health warnings that you see issued about the usage of cell phones. While al of the major brands claim that all their brands are eco-friendly, the truth is far beyond that. But like in many other regards Nokia has decided to change it all.

The new green Nokia concept phone which is eco-friendly because the phone parts are made from recycled materials. The all new concept phone has been under the hammer or should we say under the green eye for a long time now. Earlier this year, the Nokia concept looked similar to a standard mobile phone but since then has received a makeover which was shown at the wireless trade show CTIA. The phone is not only loaded with green features but it also is made of green material.

The “Remade” concept is defined by its recycled materials which construct the phone. The outer shell is made from aluminum cans and the plastic parts come from drink bottles and old car tires. The screen is made from recycled glass and the hinges are made from rubber tires. Even the inside of the phone is made from old refurbished parts from older mobile phones. It also comes with the phone reducing the backlight to an optimal level to save the battery, thus requiring less charging. In every sense of the word the ‘Green Concept Phone’ is something that the world could really use. It is nice to see that Nokia is making the effort towards green technology. Though for now, this seems more like a concept than a final product.


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