Green creativity at its best with Recycled Cardboard Sculptures

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I have eaten from disposable plates and gulped water from glasses made from discarded tetra packs or the kinds. But re-creating artistic sculptures out of industrial cardboard is a bit of fresh news. Let’s sneak a quick look at green work of Chris Gilmour, an English artist based in Italy. This eco-friendly artist shapes objects and machines from our everyday lives using only packing cardboard and glue. Intricately sculpted, Gilmour’s life-size replicas and sculptures leave one gazing at the sheer artistry of his work and contemplating the nature of materials in general. The dedicated energy required to cut and paste all of the intricate and exact parts of a replica Fiat 500 engine, for example, cleverly highlights the energy required to create the real thing.

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Showing off his sense of humor, this artist has also used cigarette and maxi-pad boxes to make little logo-covered churches in a wry statement about consumer dependency. It’s unbelievable to know how people with boundless creativity come up with most ingenious forms out of most unusual stuff.

Via Inhabitat

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