Godisa’s eco friendly solar hearing aids for a cause

solar hearing aids
Even innovation for a good cause goes eco-friendly. Godisa Technologies, an African company based in Botswana, has developed a hearing aid that is solar powered. The instrument is specially designed for tropical climatic conditions and they have sought to enable anyone requiring this hearing aid to get it for free. Thus, clearly Godisa is a non-profit organization that deserves public appreciation and support. The simply declined the idea of applying for a patent and are ready to offer it’s technological details to anyone who might be interested and is totally relying on donations to meet the making cost, which is about $100. But then ofcourse, it is important to study its usefulness and reliability. These hearing aids, being powered solely by solar energy, do not require usage of any battery, periodically replacing or charging batteries. They are compact and handy enabling one to carry it anywhere. Being distributed free of cost, the economically backward groups of Africa who probably would never dreamt of being able to hear clearly, would be immensely benefited. godisa team
The beauty of the whole scenario is that, most of Godisa’s technicians, salespersons and other employees are deaf themselves. This should also be a motivating factor to lot others with hearing disabilities. Hats off not only to Godisa’s invention but also their intention to serve through an eco-friendly route. via : ecodeaf

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