Gazelle 2: Iran’s third solar-powered eco friendly car

iranian gazelle 2 4 dcrag 69 With the advancement and expansion of technology, the thinking of humans has also been advanced. Technological advancements have brought into the market vehicles or cars that are user-friendly, speedy and well set with all modern devices. But those cars were sending bad signs to the environment. The advanced thoughts of humans not only made companies think differently but also students of universities and scientists with similar interest all over the world are putting their efforts in building vehicles that are more powerful and eco-friendly than normal vehicles. iranian gazelle 2 1 jenup 69 Following the same path, a group of Iranian scientists and experts designed and developed a third solar powered car, the Iranian Gazelle 2. Gazelle 2 is an enhanced model of Gazelle1, the first solar powered car of the country. Solar powered cars are known as environmentally friendly vehicles, since they use the most renewable source of energy of all, the sun. iranian gazelle 2 2 libm9 69 According to the project manager, Karen Abania, Gazelle 2 is a lightweight, powerful and speedier solar powered car than the first car. It is five meters long and weighs around 150 kgs. The car includes improved solar cells which enjoy 22% efficiency and reaches a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Some amount of energy is collected and stored in the batteries of the car. After the energy is stored in the batteries, it is also stored in motor for driving the car through the wheels. A motor controller is also used in adjusting the energy collected to reach the motor. The maximum speed of the car is around 150 kilometers per hour. The body of this car is made of carbon fiber. Sometimes depending on the weather, the car can travel up to 600 kilometers giving 75 kilometer per hour. The main motto in developing this eco-friendly car is in reducing energy consumption. The engine used is 97% efficient. These cars deliver high performance due to its light weight. iranian gazelle 2 5 1gdoh 69 iranian gazelle 2 3 tisao 69 Prior to the reveal of Gazelle 2, the students from Iranian University of Qazin brought to the public Havin, a car that runs entirely on solar energy. This car is five meters long and two meters wide. It reaches a speed of 130 kilo meters per hour. This car weighs 160 kilograms and is made up of six square meters of silicon solar cells. Source: Farsnews

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