Froote Eco Jewelry: Stunning designs for the precious green stones!

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There is a very interesting argument that I heard a couple of days back and that is in regards to the fact that all jewelry is green and hat how one can claim gold and diamonds’ which basically are a part of nature’ not be green. That was a pretty convincing explanation and maybe there will be plenty across the planet who will buy it. But the thing is that most of these gems and gold are extracted in such a fashion that they leave the land they came from absolutely tormented. Once again, we take something from the planet and leave it in shatters.

But modern designers are not just fashion conscious, but are also aware of the ecological implication that they work with. This is not just a tribute to the skill of designer of this jewelry line, but to all those fashion designers and architects who have made ‘green’ appear cool and in. Froote Jewelry, by designer Elizabeth Moore, is created with the intention of inspiring people to realize both their own inner beauty and how precious our lives are on this planet. The collection is both exquisite and unique.
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The launch of Froote Jewelry will include 3 lines called Calypso, Island, and Tudor, each with individual color and gemstone themes representing inspirations like the South Pacific Islands, femininity, and glamorous tradition. And they’re not only gorgeous, but they’re all made to be eco-friendly by reusing precious gems, metal scraps, and recycled packaging in production. This means that you would be wearing stunning green jewelry for which will not only give you bragging rights but also a moral high ground. Such green designs sure help in reducing the plundering of our planet to an extent.
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