Flower Solar Street Lamp concept keeps streets illuminated in an eco way

Flower Solar Street Lamp

The Flower Solar Street Lamp concept promises to be an important step towards energy conservation. The Flower Solar Street Lamp, designed by Luís MRPS, uses solar energy to illuminate public places such as parks and streets in a sustainable manner. It does not require an electric connection with the grid and obviously saves electricity. It is named so because it looks like a flower and its petals accumulate solar energy during daytime to be used in the night.

How does the Flower Solar Street Lamp work?

As mentioned earlier, the Flower Solar Street Lamp is designed like a flower. The petal-like parts in fact comprises photovoltaic modules, which can harness solar power. The harnessed power can be stored in one or more batteries to generate power for LED lamps, which illuminates public places. An LED lamp emits white light and has an average lifetime of 50,000 hours. Flower Solar Street Lamps do not depend on grid electricity at all.

Benefits of Flower Solar Street Lamp

Since a Flower Solar Street Lamp does not require grid electricity, it means a lot of energy conservation. The electricity saved can be channelized into other uses. Moreover the Flower Solar Street Lamp also emits very little heat.

Via: Behance

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