EWE Box: Monitoring your gas and power consumption in real time

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We are seeing surge in the number of devices that monitor your power supply and tell you where you are wasting money. It not only shows people’s growing interest in keeping their bills under check, but it also tells how maybe they are now finally starting to bother about the planet. That really is something that is a welcome trend. But here is the EWE Box which is a bit better than those clones that all have just the readings from red to green and this does the job in real time too!

The EWE Box, created by the scientists from Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, helps curb going over the electricity people intend to use per month by monitoring consumption in real time. So if, for example, an energy-guzzling product is plugged in, the change in consumption is noticed immediately. This means the device serves as a double-purpose gadget, not only monitoring gas and electricity usage, but also serving as an indicator of whether there is a need to replace an old malfunctioning appliance.

The device basically tells us how good your new device is in regards to the energy consumption that it is good for. This allows you to judge whether the new gadget is worth its value. The device was developed in collaboration with power provider, EWE, hence, the name. It will first be tested in 400 homes in Oldenburg, Germany. EWE Box is equipped with an LCD screen which displays the values transmitted via DSL. Moreover, it also comes with a web portal which displays the electricity and gas consumption data gathered for documentation purposes. The price tag on this thing is still missing and for me that defines its true value.


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