EVO PC Concept: Old wine in a ‘green’ new bottle

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As internet connectivity is penetrating more and more households, the EVO PC is one concept that aims to make full use of the internet. All the computing will be handled by a remote server called the EVO Server which will be run by a service providing firm that leases out computing services. Users will need to bring home a EVO client which sits on a EVO Base. The EVO Base will provide power, peripherals and connectivity to the EVO Client. The EVO Client will have a low power processor, a RAM and a Wireless unit to beam back the processed information from the EVO Server.

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This entire set-up aims to lesses the use of electronics and other materials that gpo into a conventional desktop, thus making the model more eco friendly. For all these services, the service provider will charge you a monthly subscription fee similar to the internet. This concept is definitely not a new one as Google already had similar remote server plans. So, the only thing that seems worthwhile in this entire project is the very neat looking EVO Client and EVO Base designs. Apart from that, the entire project definitely looks like old wine served up in a brand new bottle.

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Via: igreenspot

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