Ergonomic Smart Water Meter to keep a tab on your water consumption

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There are plenty of gadgets that are out there these days that basically allow you to keep a tab on your energy consumption and how much of power you end up wasting by the end of each day. Water is an equally important natural resource. In fact, it is more essential for our survival that any of the fossil fuels and so it probably makes more sense when to have a little gadget that tells you how much water you consume around your home each day and how much of it has been put to good use.

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In comes the ‘Smart Water Meter’ designed by Samuel McClellan, which allows you to keep a tab on your water usage in a sleek, stylish and modern way. The design reminds you of the cool minimalistic trend that most interior designers stick to these days. Everything has to be smart, touchscreen-integrated and built to fit into the future. Smart water Meter is as space conscious as any other gadget lying around at your place.

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This intelligent tablet-like device tracks water consumption patterns for each our at your home and then you can stream it up into your PC or laptop for comparative data. This way you know exactly when and where you are using excessive water and tips guarantee that you end up achieving just that. Simple, easy to fit and accessible, Smart Water Meter is perfect for the eco-conscious home of tomorrow.

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Via: Sam McClellan

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