Environment Friendly and Energy Efficient Buses for Summer Olympic Games 2008


In order to save energy and make environment greener, Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company and Alcoa have partnered to develop eco-friendly buses for China. These buses will be made using best structural design materials and great manufacturing technologies.

Collaboration of these companies will lead to environment friendly buses, which will play significant role in minimizing the amount of pollution. These buses will also enhance the fuel economy. It seems that these buses will hit the road by Summer Olympic Games 2008.

Chief Executive of Zhengzhou Yutong, Tang Yuxiang has stated that,

“The partnership between Yutong Bus and Alcoa on the new sustainable bus demonstrates long-term commitment to the support of our government’s policy to build mass transportation vehicles in harmony with society – people and the environment.”

Recently, a study conducted in Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg, Germany suggested that if there is weight reduction of 100 kg in diesel powered bus then it will save up to 2,550 liters of fuel. It will reduce CO2 along with green house gases considerably.

Alcoa’s President, Jinya Chen stated, “Our goal, of course, is to work with Yutong to achieve significantly more than 100 kg weight reduction per vehicle.” By the year 2020, Aluminum industry will be made green house gas neutral. This will surely result in reduction in green house gases and saving of fuel.

Image : Businesswire

Via : chinacsr

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