Environment-friendly airport designed to provide fuel-n-energy efficient flights!

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Environment-friendly design for a new airport is underway. According to the designer, Jim Starry, he would build his new airports — Starrports — on relatively small parcels of land close to major cities, thus using less of lands.

The distance from the parking garage to the gate would be made short to enable the heat of the terminal help de-ice the runways. He has also thought of making better use of the lights on the terminal, by letting these illuminate the runways. Thus, with this lots of energy could be saved.

Starry’s eco-friendly airport would also be designed to cut air pollution at a single airport by 56%. Not just that! It would also save 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per flight! The airports would have inclined runways to allow jets to burn less fuel, as the planes would reach takeoff speed sooner and land without thrust-reversers.

Source: USA Today

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