Electratherm: Turning Industrial waste heat in to useful energy

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“Energy saved is energy made”. That is pretty much what every energy producing firm across the planet believes and that is a very important and essential truth laid out in a simple fashion. Modern management of energy is not just about producing it, but using it without wasting any aspect of it. It is no new fact that many modern industries constantly produce lot of heat energy which is just considered a waste. But then we conveniently forget that it is this same heat energy that is required to produce electricity. So someone has finally woken up to this fact and we have a brand new eco-gadget that does exactly that.

ElectraTherm have a 50-kilowatt machine that uses industrial waste heat for fuel, providing even more options for green energy. They’re calling it the ElectraTherm Green Machine and it is well and truly green in every sense of the word. The machine takes the heat produced from industries and converts it in to energy. While the initial cost of investment can be considered a bit high, the fact that you get your money back in 3-4 years is a big bonus.

Beyond the commercial aspects that govern this, the fact that one can produce electricity from the waste heat of industries is indeed a big plus. They use an organic Rankine cycle to heat liquids, then the liquids are transformed into a vapor, at which point it will move the turbine thus generating electricity. The machine can power up to 40 homes at a time and that is surely getting a lot more out of your big machines than what you bargained for!


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