Eight Inc. to build Hawaii’s first-ever eco-friendly learning center

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The Malama Learning Center International Architectural Design Competition was hosted in 2004 in which there were 236 participants out of which the winner would bag the contract for designing the new Malama Learning Center in Oahu, Hawaii. The winner that was declared in that grand competitive event was Eight Inc.

The Malama Learning Center is an NGO that promotes eco-friendly living in Hawaii through innovations in science, conservation art and culture. This non-profit organization is the brainchild of various conservation groups, community member, educators and businesses where they share a common cause and that is to generate a world-class, novel learning center that takes into account both the cultural aspects and educational aspects of promoting a healthy and ‘green’ way of living in Oahu. The members of the Malama Learning Center hope to succeed in receiving LEED Gold Certification for this innovative project.

The project design created by Eight Inc. incorporates the benefits of outdoor and indoor usage and fuses them in a way that in sensitive and environmentally friendly in terms of blending with the surroundings in perfect harmony. The project, after completion, would certainly be a ground-breaking model for future such ‘green’ architectural marvels. It would be a place where the Hawaiian cultural legacy and natural heritage would be celebrated through the various mediums of art.

Via: World Architecture News

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