Ecopolis: Self-sufficient city built with sustainable habitable cells

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Eco Factor: Conceptual global city with rainwater collection and wastewater treatment.

Designed by Santiago Marenco, Ecopolis is a conceptual global city for the future based on the idea of a set of highly differentiated sustainable and habitable cells. These physically separate but functionally integrated urban cells cluster together to combine nature and human-built ecosystems together. The tridimensional unit comes loaded with all services and functions necessary to make it self-sufficient. It generated power from renewable non-polluting sources like solar panels and wind turbines.

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Ecopolis offers modular residential units with varying dimensions to meet terms with the resident’s requirements and its relationship with the natural world. It also has room for rainwater collection, wastewater and air treatment, waste recycling and geothermal heating. The three parabolic shaped collectors gather rainwater for future use, while a water treatment plant recycles polluted water from the cell to irrigate the hydroponic cloud garden located at every level.

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The interior of the structure has several plazas, pedestrian bridges and walkways connecting different areas, allowing people to walk safely and freely. The vertical plazas are landscaped with plants and gardens, while the residential area includes all necessary services like schools, shopping areas, senior citizen clubs, playgrounds and civic services. The project has been submitted to the 2010 Skyscraper Competition.

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Via: Evolo

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