Eco TV fashions churning PC, TV Screens into Building Materials

eco tv

Because electronic waste is set to increase from 10.3 million to 12.3 million tones per year from 2005 to 2020 within the European Union, according to a United Nations University study, the two-year European Eco Tv project has developed an innovative way of recycling the most polluting components found in television and computer screens. These recycled electronic pollutions will then be converted into such materials as ceramic floor tiles and resin, which could be applied to cement as an insulating components and a construction material.

The Eco TV project, led by the Provincial Council of Valencia (Spain) in collaboration with the Valencian Construction Technology Institute (AIDICO) and E-misszi Environmental Association (Hungary), aims at recycling polluting electronic waste materials such as lead, barium and strontium. It would give them a new lease of life and help prevent the spread of landfills.

Via: GoodCleanTech

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