Eco Transportation: Ultra light motorbike – Fast, efficient and cost-effective transportation

hmk561 seitenansicht if logo RjggW 5638

Eco Factor: Lightweight concept bike runs on zero emission electric motors.

A new concept might make some difference by providing you with fast, efficient and cost-effective transportation. HMK 561, an ultra light motorbike concept, can save both your money and energy. Two electric motors are integrated between front and rear swing arms designed modularly. Motors transmit the power in a counter-rotor way directly to the rims and during speed reduction the energy is regained. Energy for driving can be stored directly to the frame. This is possible due to the special layer structure of carbon fibers. Storage is loaded inductively during the waiting time at traffic lights or in parking places. Board devices such as a tachometer and lighting are powered by the frame structure itself by using carbon fiber’s electrical conductivity. A new drive concept and the latest fiber-composite technology is used in order to continue the environmentally conscious trend. The concept also allows the replacement of less ecological materials with better ones.

The Dark Side: The energy requirements of the concept are not defined. In such a condition it’s hard to say anything about the speed and backup power.

Via: RalfKittmann

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