Eco Transportation: Intersection – An innovative pedal-powered concept bike

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Eco Factor:
Pedal-powered bike system provides clean transportation.

The Intersection concept bike is designed to provide individual clean transportation with portability. The designer claims that it can save your bucks that you spend each day while traveling in buses or on the subway. Like a fish, you can control the direction with the tale wheel. Along with saving money these bikes are space sufficient too, as these can be placed one over another in an overlapping manner. Interestingly, it operates like a vending machine. To unlock one you need to insert a coin into the space provided and after you park the bike, you can get your coin back. Well, that’s a bit confusing as why to put a coin if you are to get it back. Instead that why not to use a simple lock system that operates with key.

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The Dark Side: Although clean, space efficient and money efficient, this concept can’t be time efficient as compared with a bus or other faster transportation medium. Today’s computer age provides very little space to such time consuming concepts.

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Designer: Seungyoub Oh

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