Eco Transport: Facile: A multi-dimensional green vehicle for future roads

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Eco Factor: A vehicle that can use wind, solar and human energy in various forms to act as a future urban commuter.

Facile is one of the best green vehicles of the future that will allow you to both choose your mode of transport and the clean energy that will power it. The vehicle can act as a tricycle, monocycle and even a car. Depending on the requirement of the commuter, the vehicle can be powered by solar power with integrated panels or human pedal-power. An option of wind energy is also present for further green energy. It uses wood, organic glass and other lightweight materials that are completely recyclable. Facile has a common docking station eliminating the problem of parking and it offers wireless connectivity for all your latest gizmos.

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The Dark Side:

Once again, the concept sounds too good to be true. For now, it is highly unlikely that vehicles like Facile will show up on the road even in the next couple of decades. A realistic prototype could probably do a lot more good than lines on the sheet or CG graphics.
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Via: TheDesignBlog

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