Eco Tech: Victor to deliver rice-based-plastic CD/DVD cases

rice based plastic mv7vV 5638

Eco factor: CD/DVD cases are made up of rice-based-plastic with reduced emissions.

There are innumerable objects and acts of daily routine that influence the environment in one way or other. Even small things can contribute a lot toward reducing carbon emissions. Victor Creative Media is a name that is ready to replace normal plastic with a new sort of plastic made with rice-based-plastic. This plastic is specially being used to make CD/DVD cases. Here we are talking about non–food rice and resin, which emits 10% less carbon when incinerated. At present there are four companies, Agri Future Joetsu, Biomass Technology, Nakatani Sangyo and Otoginomori involved and responsible for manufacturing and selling of these cases. The cases are expected to be delivered to the market in January or February this year.

The Dark Side: One big problem lies with the production cost of these cases, which is much higher than the cost of other CD/DVD cases. Also, present conditions are asking for zero emissions. Therefore, only 10% reduction in emissions is too low.

Via: TechOn

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